Jaimee Taborda

Webster, MA

Jaimee Taborda is a resident of Massachusetts with a Bachelor’s degree in Art from Gordon College and a Master’s degree in Education from Fitchburg State University.  She teaches studio art at Oxford High School and art education as an adjunct professor at Gordon College. An artist with a love for exploration, she continues to take classes and workshops to inspire and expand her experience which have included printmaking, ceramics, and encaustic painting. She exhibits regularly and her work has been included in many group exhibitions throughout the greater Boston and Worcester areas and Northern Connecticut.

Taborda’s work explores the connection between the earthly and the divine as a means to quench the thirst in her spirit. Maintaining focus in the manic world of today is no easy task. Making is meditation, an alignment of the soul and refocusing on the eternal. An act of devotion, her work is prayer made visible.

Sitting below a canopy of naked trees, Taborda looked up to blue sky revealed through a gap in the branches. In this moment, she made a sacred connection to trees— trees that grow tall and strong out of the imperfect earth and reach high into the sky pointing towards the heavens. Trees have become a symbol of the personal struggles between earthly and heavenly desires and a reminder of communion between the ephemeral and the eternal.

The circle has developed organically as a recurring motif in Taborda’s work. Like a halo or a crown, the circle is a reminder of the celestial.  It has grown to symbolize the completeness of God, his omnipresence and glory. With this visual language, she inhabits an artistic world for which she creates a pictorial means of supplication.

See more of Jaimee's work at:


Download Jaimee's CV here

Download Jaimee's Statement


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